Say goodbye to all the inconveniences of the towel

With the full body dryer Valiryo

In today's dynamic hotel industry, traditional towels pose a series of inconveniences that can affect guest experience and hotel operational efficiency. From the logistical challenges associated with their laundering and replenishment to the environmental concerns related to their excessive resource usage, these limitations are a true headache for hoteliers. 

The constant washing and replenishment of towels entail complicated and costly logistics for hotels. The excessive use of water, energy, and chemicals in the laundry process not only increases operating expenses but also has a negative impact on the environment. Additionally, the quality and cleanliness of towels can vary, which can affect guest satisfaction and comfort. 

The towel, a challenge for your hotel 

Traditional towels represent a significant economic burden for hotels. Beyond the initial purchase cost, there are ongoing expenses related to laundry services, replacing worn-out or stolen towels, and regularly renewing towel stocks. 

These costs encompass not only the direct expenses of laundering—such as water, electricity, and detergent—but also the indirect costs associated with labor, equipment maintenance, and storage facilities. The financial outlay for towel management diverts funds that could otherwise be allocated to enhancing guest services or improving facilities.

Theft and losses: a constant concern  

Theft and loss of towels are prevalent issues in hotels, adding significantly to the financial strain. Studies show that 80% of hotels report regular problems with towel theft, where guests often take towels as souvenirs. 

This ongoing issue leads to a continuous need for replacements, presenting an ever-increasing expense. Moreover, it disrupts inventory management, requiring hotels to maintain a larger stock of towels, which further escalates costs and complicates operations.

Complicated logistics of towel 

The logistics of collecting, washing, drying, and redistributing towels in hotels are intricate and costly operations. Housekeeping staff must continuously monitor towel usage, ensuring timely collection and replacement to meet guest needs, which drives up labor costs. The laundering process itself is resource-intensive, involving significant water consumption, high energy use for washing and drying, and a considerable amount of chemical detergents and fabric softeners. These chemicals not only wear down the towels more quickly, necessitating frequent replacements, but also introduce pollutants into the environment.

Also, hotels need large storage areas to accommodate the constant turnover of clean and dirty towels, further complicating logistics and requiring significant space management. The entire process is a continuous cycle that strains both financial and environmental resources, highlighting the need for more sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

Environmental impact of traditional towels

Traditional towels contribute significantly to environmental degradation. The laundering process alone consumes vast amounts of electricity and water, as towels must undergo repeated cycles of washing and drying to maintain hygiene standards. 

Moreover, the use of chemical detergents and fabric softeners introduces pollutants into water systems, contributing to chemical runoff and environmental harm. Additionally, the disposal of worn-out towels adds to textile waste, exacerbating landfill congestion and environmental degradation. 

Inconvenient and unsafe: traditional towel's risks

Traditional towels can be uncomfortable and unsafe, especially for guests with mobility issues or disabilities. Drying off with a towel often requires awkward movements, increasing the risk of slips and falls. This is particularly dangerous for older guests or those with limited mobility, who may find it challenging to balance while drying themselves. The risk of falls in the bathroom can lead to serious injuries and potential liability issues for hotels.

Moreover, the effort needed to dry off with a towel can be uncomfortable and unpleasant after a relaxing shower. Rubbing against rough towel fabric can irritate the skin, especially for guests with sensitive skin or skin conditions. The drying process becomes less enjoyable and more of a chore. These safety and comfort issues not only reduce guest satisfaction but also create potential liability concerns for hotels. By addressing these problems, hotels can significantly enhance their guests' experience and well-being, making their stay more comfortable and enjoyable.