As we age, experience an accident, or deal with an illness, our mobility can be reduced either temporarily or permanently. This change can make daily tasks that were once easy, such as drying the body after a shower, more difficult. This task is perhaps not so often considered, although it is essential to maintaining good hygiene and health.
One of the most important motives, when we developed Valiryo, was to design a product that would help people. The fact is that regular towel drying requires appropriate movement of the arms, as well as a certain agility and balance to dry the lower limbs, something that many people may not have.
And because of this, they need the help of someone else in an intimate moment which is not always comfortable to share. Therefore, Valiryo helps people with reduced mobility to dry themselves independently without the need to make awkward or unnecessary movements.
By simply standing or sitting in front of Valiryo, users can enjoy a comfortable and safe drying experience. The body dryer significantly reduces the risk of falls in a wet bathroom environment —where most accidents tend to happen, especially during the drying process.
Creating a safe space for body drying
Valiryo plays a key role in creating a safer, more accessible space for personal hygiene. Unlike towel drying, which can lead to falls or slips, Valiryo provides a touch-free drying experience that allows users to maintain stability while drying. For example, those who use support bars or mobility aids can remain safely balanced while Valiryo gently dries their entire body. For those who rely on wheelchairs or find standing for long periods difficult, Valiryo can also be used while seated.
Thanks to its IP56 certification, Valiryo can be installed directly inside the shower, which means you can dry yourself in the same spot without moving to another location, leaving the shower area completely dry. This is especially beneficial for people who cannot stand for long or who use shower chairs. The body dryer evenly distributes warm air through 27 diffusers, providing a consistent drying experience, whether you are seated or standing.
Different drying options with Valiryo Body Dryer
Valiryo Body Dryer is highly adaptable, offering different drying solutions depending on individual needs. Whether standing with the help of grab bars, sitting in a shower chair, or using a wheelchair, Valiryo adjusts to the user's position and delivers a full-body drying experience without the need for risky movements. This versatility makes Valiryo an essential addition to any accessible bathroom, ensuring a safe and effective way to dry after bathing.
For those who may struggle with manual operation, Valiryo's built-in motion sensor activates the dryer automatically when you stand or sit in front of it. This feature is especially useful for individuals who may have difficulty reaching the control panel or using their hands to turn on the dryer.
The benefits of installing Valiryo Body Dryer
Beyond safety, Valiryo Body Dryer provides numerous benefits that make it an essential product for accessible bathroom adaptations. Body drying with Valiryo offers a new experience that improves our general well-being as it relaxes our body as well as our mind. The warm air blown by Valiryo directly on our body stimulates blood flow and oxygenation of our muscles. This helps them to relax, reducing muscle tension. Therefore, Valiryo helps us in our day-to-day life, making our bathroom more comfortable as well as more efficient.
Valiryo restores a sense of autonomy and privacy to those who may otherwise need assistance with personal hygiene, offering a more comfortable, easy, and safe drying solution. The warm air relaxes muscles, relieves tension, and helps users unwind, turning an ordinary task into a more enjoyable experience.
Si vous souhaitez installer le sèche-corps et que vous avez des doutes sur la meilleure façon de l'incorporer dans votre salle de bains, notre équipe d'experts techniques peut vous conseiller et vous aider dans le processus d'installation, ainsi qu'adapter l'utilisation du produit à vos besoins spécifiques.
Chez Valiryo, nous nous engageons à fournir le produit à tous ceux qui peuvent en bénéficier, et c'est pourquoi nous collaborons également avec différentes associations à travers le monde.