Valiryo: the Drying Experience
Discover the Power of Air with the Leading Brand in Body Drying
Valiryo Body Dryer
Valiryo applies advanced technology to body drying to make it more hygienic, easier for everyone, and more sustainable by replacing traditional towels with air. Our body dryer ensures complete and skin-friendly drying, leaving your skin softer and more hydrated. This makes it an ideal choice for people with atopic skin or other dermatological conditions.
Additionally, Valiryo is an essential aid for the elderly or those with mobility issues, providing comfortable and independent drying within the shower itself. Give body drying the importance it deserves and incorporate a new wellness experience into your daily routine.
Valiryo Secador Corporal
Valiryo aplica tecnología avanzada al secado corporal para hacerlo más higiénico, fácil para todos y más sostenible, sustituyendo el uso de toallas tradicionales por aire. Nuestro secador corporal garantiza un secado completo y respetuoso con tu piel, dejándola más suave e hidratada. Esto lo convierte en una opción ideal para personas con pieles atópicas u otras afecciones dermatológicas.
Además, Valiryo es una ayuda esencial para personas mayores o con problemas de movilidad, facilitando el secado independiente y cómodo dentro de la propia ducha. Dale al secado corporal la importancia que merece e incorpora una nueva experiencia de bienestar en tu rutina.
Valiryo Séchoir Corporel
Valiryo propose une technologie innovante pour le séchage corporel, remplaçant les serviettes par de l'air pour une solution plus hygiénique et durable. Notre séchoir assure un séchage complet tout en préservant la douceur et l'hydratation de votre peau, idéal pour les peaux atopiques et sensibles.
De plus, Valiryo est un atout majeur pour les personnes âgées ou à mobilité réduite, permettant un séchage confortable directement dans la douche. Offrez à votre routine quotidienne une nouvelle expérience de bien-être.
Valiryo Asciugacorpore
Valiryo utilizza tecnologie avanzate per asciugare il corpo in modo igienico e sostenibile, sostituendo gli asciugamani con aria. Il nostro asciugatore è delicato sulla pelle, lasciandola morbida e idratata, perfetto per chi ha pelle atopica o altre problematiche dermatologiche.
Valiryo è un valido alleato per anziani e persone con difficoltà motorie, permettendo un'asciugatura autonoma e confortevole nella doccia. Rende l'asciugatura del corpo un momento importante, migliorando la tua routine quotidiana con un tocco di benessere.
Valiryo Lichaamsdroger
Valiryo gebruikt innovatieve technologie voor het drogen van het lichaam, waardoor het hygiënischer en duurzamer is door lucht in plaats van handdoeken. Onze droger zorgt voor een huidvriendelijke ervaring, waardoor je huid zacht en gehydrateerd blijft, ideaal voor mensen met een gevoelige huid of dermatologische aandoeningen.
Valiryo is een belangrijk hulpmiddel voor ouderen en mensen met mobiliteitsproblemen, omdat het comfortabel en zelfstandig drogen in de douche mogelijk maakt. Geef lichaamsdrogen de aandacht die het verdient en voeg een nieuwe wellness-ervaring toe aan je routine.
Valiryo Körpertrockner
Valiryo verwendet moderne Technologie für das hygienische und nachhaltige Trocknen des Körpers, indem es traditionelle Handtücher durch Luft ersetzt. Unser Trockner sorgt für eine sanfte und effektive Trocknung, die die Haut weich und hydratisiert hinterlässt, ideal für Menschen mit empfindlicher oder atopischer Haut.
Valiryo ist eine großartige Unterstützung für ältere Menschen und Personen mit Mobilitätseinschränkungen, da es ein komfortables Trocknen in der Dusche ermöglicht. Genießen Sie eine neue Wellness-Erfahrung in Ihrer täglichen Routine.
Valiryo Secador Corporal
A Valiryo inova com um secador corporal que substitui toalhas tradicionais por ar, promovendo um secamento higiênico e sustentável. Ele proporciona um toque suave e hidratação à pele, ideal para quem tem pele atópica ou outras condições dermatológicas.
O Valiryo é ideal para idosos e pessoas com mobilidade reduzida, permitindo um secamento prático e independente na ducha. Transforme o secamento corporal em um momento de conforto e bem-estar na sua rotina.
Valiryo Feet Dryer
Specialized for feet, the Valiryo dryer offers the most comfortable, quick, and efficient way to dry them completely, with no effort or need to bend over. Give your feet the care they deserve and bring a new wellness experience to your daily routine.
Valiryo Hand Dryer
Valiryo revolutionizes the industry with an innovative concept: 360º individual hand drying without contact and a more ergonomic design. Thanks to its "Air Sword" technology and UV light, it optimizes hygiene and provides a more efficient and comfortable experience.
Valiryo Secapiés
Especializado para los pies, el secador Valiryo es la forma más cómoda, rápida y eficiente de secarlos completamente, sin esfuerzo ni necesidad de agacharte. Dale a tus pies el cuidado que merecen e incorpora una nueva experiencia de bienestar en tu rutina diaria.
Valiryo Secamanos
Valiryo revoluciona el sector con un concepto innovador: secado individual 360º para cada mano sin contacto y un diseño más ergonómico. Gracias a su tecnología "Air Sword" y la luz UV, optimiza la higiene y ofrece una experiencia más eficiente y cómoda.
Valiryo Sèche-Pieds
Spécialisé pour les pieds, le sèche Valiryo offre la manière la plus confortable, rapide et efficace de les sécher complètement, sans effort ni besoin de se pencher. Offrez à vos pieds les soins qu’ils méritent et intégrez une nouvelle expérience de bien-être dans votre routine quotidienne.
Valiryo Sèche-Mains
Valiryo révolutionne le secteur avec un concept innovant : séchage individuel 360º de chaque main sans contact et un design plus ergonomique. Grâce à sa technologie "Air Sword" et à la lumière UV, il optimise l'hygiène et offre une expérience plus efficace et confortable.
Valiryo Asciugapiedi
Specializzato per i piedi, Valiryo offre il modo più comodo, rapido ed efficiente per asciugarli completamente, senza sforzo né bisogno di piegarsi. Dona ai tuoi piedi la cura che meritano e aggiungi una nuova esperienza di benessere alla tua routine quotidiana.
Valiryo Asciugamani
Valiryo rivoluziona il settore con un concetto innovativo: asciugatura individuale 360º per ogni mano senza contatto e un design più ergonomico. Grazie alla sua tecnologia "Air Sword" e alla luce UV, ottimizza l'igiene e offre un'esperienza più efficiente e confortevole.
Valiryo Voetendroger
Gespecialiseerd voor de voeten biedt de Valiryo-droger de meest comfortabele, snelle en efficiënte manier om ze volledig te drogen, zonder moeite of te hoeven bukken. Geef je voeten de zorg die ze verdienen en voeg een nieuwe wellnesservaring toe aan je dagelijkse routine.
Valiryo Handendroger
Valiryo revolutioneert de sector met een innovatief concept: 360º individuele handdroging zonder contact en een ergonomisch ontwerp. Dankzij de "Air Sword"-technologie en UV-licht optimaliseert het de hygiëne en biedt het een efficiëntere en comfortabelere ervaring.
Valiryo Fußtrockner
Speziell für die Füße entwickelt, bietet der Valiryo die bequemste, schnellste und effizienteste Möglichkeit, sie vollständig zu trocknen – ohne Anstrengung oder Bücken. Gönnen Sie Ihren Füßen die Pflege, die sie verdienen, und bereichern Sie Ihre tägliche Routine mit einem neuen Wellness-Erlebnis.
Valiryo Handtrockner
Valiryo revolutioniert die Branche mit einem innovativen Konzept: individuelle 360º Handtrocknung ohne Kontakt und einem ergonomischeren Design. Dank seiner "Air Sword"-Technologie und UV-Licht optimiert er die Hygiene und bietet eine effizientere und komfortablere Erfahrung.
Valiryo Secapés
Especializado para os pés, Valiryo oferece a forma mais confortável, rápida e eficiente de secá-los completamente, sem esforço ou necessidade de se abaixar. Dê aos seus pés o cuidado que eles merecem e adicione uma nova experiência de bem-estar.
Valiryo Secamãos
Valiryo revoluciona o setor com um conceito inovador: secagem individual 360º para cada mão sem contato e um design mais ergonômico. Com a sua tecnologia "Air Sword" e luz UV, otimiza a higiene e oferece uma experiência mais eficiente e confortável.

The body drying your well-being deserves
At Valiryo, we believe drying is just as important as washing. Our products are designed to transform this moment into a personal care experience that enhances your daily well-being. With complete, more hygienic, and skin-friendly drying, Valiryo provides softness, comfort, and special attention to an essential part of your routine. Give your skin the care it deserves and bring a new form of wellness into your home.
Body drying that cares for you
At Valiryo, we understand the needs of older adults and those with mobility issues. Our products are designed to provide complete, comfortable, and effortless drying, reducing the risk of falls by eliminating the need to bend down. With a more hygienic and skin-friendly drying experience, they offer comfort, autonomy, and safety, turning your daily routine into a well-being experience tailored to you.

Body drying that cares for you
At Valiryo, we understand the needs of older adults and those with mobility issues. Our products are designed to provide complete, comfortable, and effortless drying, reducing the risk of falls by eliminating the need to bend down. With a more hygienic and skin-friendly drying experience, they offer comfort, autonomy, and safety, turning your daily routine into a well-being experience tailored to you.

The 4 Pillars of Valiryo

The Transformative Power of Air
We believe in the strength of air as the essence of change. Our products elevate the everyday, offering a more hygienic, natural, and gentle experience for your skin. By leaving towels behind, we embrace the softness of air for a drying experience that truly cares for you.

Products Designed for Everyone
At Valiryo, we believe true inclusion lies in creating products designed for everyone. We craft with a global mindset, offering functional, comfortable, and elegant solutions that enhance lives, connecting with diversity at the core of our design.

Enhancing Your Daily Life
We design products that transform routines into moments of well-being. Our drying solutions not only make life easier for those facing mobility challenges but also provide comfort and relaxation for everyone. Each use is an experience that brightens your day.

Committed to the Environment
Our goal is to reduce environmental impact by eliminating the need for towels and their washing with detergents. With Valiryo, you help reduce water and energy consumption, contributing to sustainability. Each drying session cares for you and the planet.
Are you interested in Valiryo products?
Buy now from our online store if you want to enjoy Valiryo at home, and contact us if you have any questions or need help including our products in your business.