Body Dryer for disabled: Independence, safety, and comfort with Valiryo

The origin of Valiryo: Independence and safety in body drying

As we age or face mobility issues, the bathroom—once a space for relaxation—can quickly turn into a dangerous place. Daily hygiene tasks, such as showering and drying off, can become overwhelming, often requiring assistance from others. This loss of independence and invasion of privacy is difficult for anyone to accept.

In order to keep autonomy as long as possible, we usually adapt the bathroom to suit our needs and, especially, the shower space as it is a dangerous place due to the presence of water. And, for this purpose, there are different shower chairs, handholds, etc. that, depending on our conditions, may allow us to continue showering without anyone's help. 

However, we don't usually focus on the drying process, despite the fact that most falls in the bathroom take place during this action. Not everyone finds it easy to dry themselves with a towel because it requires aggressive movements and difficult balancing on a wet surface to dry the most hidden parts of the body. Valiryo makes drying the body easier for everybody as it allows you to dry yourself just by standing in front of it.

Find out more about Valiryo Body Hair Dryer 

Also, correct drying is essential for the health of our skin and we do not usually give it the importance it deserves. The use of towels presents a lot of disadvantages due to the friction on our skin ( in a moment when the skin needs special care because of its wetness) and also because of the exposure to a large number of pathogens that they may contain if they have not been properly sanitized. These disadvantages are particularly negative for people with diabetes or other types of diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis) that commonly present sores or other visible signs on the skin.

Accessible bathroom solutions: Valiryo Body Dryer for disabled users

Valiryo Body Dryer was created in response to a very real need. A person with mobility challenges was searching for a way to dry themselves independently after a shower, without having to rely on others.  Fortunately, this person had a close connection to two young engineers who rolled up their sleeves and got to work. This story of empathy and creativity has given rise to a life-changing product, enabling countless individuals around the world to enjoy safer, more accessible drying.  With Valiryo, users can regain control of a deeply personal task—drying their bodies—without risking their safety or compromising their privacy.

And not only to dry themselves in an efficient and practical way, but also to enjoy a new experience that gives body drying a unique meaning and prolongs the feeling of well-being in the shower. Valiryo's warm air oxygenates your muscles and stretches them while you can dedicate some time to yourself and your thoughts. In this way, you will notice that your body and mind relax, which helps you to cope with the stresses of modern life.

Don't forget that Valiryo can be installed inside the shower thanks to its IP56 certification. This way, you don't have to move to another area to dry yourself (which is easier and safer) and, in addition, you leave the shower space completely dry, avoiding the presence of water in other parts of the bathroom. Valiryo also has a motion sensor that turns the dryer on when you stand underneath it. A solution designed for people who may have difficulty turning on the product or for its use in public spaces.

Valiryo and skin health

Drying isn’t just about comfort—it’s also crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Towels, if not properly sanitized, can harbor bacteria, and the friction they cause can irritate sensitive skin. For individuals with conditions like diabetes, psoriasis, or dermatitis, this can lead to further complications.

With Valiryo, you get a gentle, hygienic drying process for sensitive skin. The warm air reduces skin friction, lowering the risk of irritation or infection, which is particularly beneficial for those with skin conditions.

A relaxing and unique experience

Beyond safety and functionality, Valiryo offers a luxurious, spa-like experience. The warm air not only dries your body but also relaxes your muscles, helping you unwind after a shower. This creates a peaceful moment of self-care, allowing you to enjoy a few extra minutes of relaxation as your body and mind release tension.

Valiryo Body Dryer: an essential product for everyone

While Valiryo was initially designed to meet the needs of people with mobility challenges, its benefits extend to everyone. The hands-free drying experience is more hygienic, comfortable, and relaxing than using a traditional towel. Plus, Valiryo’s motion sensor activation makes it ideal for shared spaces or public areas, reducing physical contact with the device.

Valiryo isn’t just a body dryer; it’s a life-enhancing solution that restores independence and privacy in one of the most personal parts of our daily routines. Whether you’re looking for a safer drying option due to mobility limitations or you simply want to elevate your shower experience, Valiryo offers a safe, hygienic, and luxurious drying experience that is essential for everyone.